New engineering research field – Cryogenic engineering


  • Masahide Murakami Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Energy, University of Tsukuba, Japan


Superconductivity, liquid helium, liquid hydrogen, pulse tube refrigerator


Current research topics in the cryogenic engineering field are reviewed to indicate a new direction to the future technology development. This review starts from the definition of the cryogenic temperature range, and covers applications of superconductivity, cryogenically cooled detectors, liquid hydrogen, cryocoolers, and a number of current thermo-fluid dynamics research topics in cryogenic engineering. They are still actively treated in such international conferences as International Cryogenic Engineering Conference (ICEC), Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC), and International Cryogenic Material Conference (ICMC).


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How to Cite

Murakami, M. . (2015). New engineering research field – Cryogenic engineering. Food Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 1(1), 62–67. retrieved from