Palynology of family Convolvulaceae in Thailand


  • Surapon Saensouk Plant and Invertebrate Taxonomy and Its Applications Unit Group, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai District, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand
  • Piyaporn Saensouk Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Mahasarakham University, Kantarawichai District, Maha Sarakham 44150, Thailand


Pollen, palynology, convolvulaceae, Thailand


The pollen morphology of 45 taxa, seven genera of Convolvulaceae is based on observations from a light microscope, but the features seen in the scanning electron microscope are also mentioned where appropriate. The pollen of Thai Convolvulaceae can be divided into six pollen types based on their aperture, namely Polypantoporate, Hexacolpate, Tricolpate, Periporate, Pantoporate and Zonocolpate. Five subtypes were recognized in the Pantoporate type, which are Evolvulus, Aquatica, Quamoclit, Obscura and Pes-tigridis pollen subtypes. Moreover, the spines of all taxa can be divided into six spine types based on Hsiao and Kouth’s (1995) data. The pollen features of Argyreia and Ipomoea are isolated from the other genera in long spine. The pollen morphology of the genus Merremia and Operculina are similar. Evolvulus, Hewittia and Jacquemontia have close pollen features. Thai Convolvulaceae pollen can be grouped into three classes based on size, which are medium, large and very large based on Erdtman’s (1952) data.


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