Equilibrium Moisture Isotherm of Galanga

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Marina Mani
Onravee Kiatpaisansopon
Usavadee Tuntiwaranuruk


The objective of this research was to study the equilibrium moisture isotherm of Galanga. The equilibrium moisture isotherm was obtained by static method at temperature of 40 50 60 and 70oC over a range of relative humidity from 0.1 to 0.9. The static method was to investigate the equilibrium moisture isotherm of Galanga and 4 of mathematical models equilibrium moisture content were used; Halsey (1948), Henderson (1952), Chung and Pfost (1967) and Modified Oswin (2004), that comparison the results of the experiments. The results found that equilibrium moisture isotherm were decreased, when temperature was increased at constant relative humidity, in contrast, at the same temperature the equilibrium moisture isotherm was increased, when increased relative humidity, and Chung and Pfost (1967) model the relation of 11Mln A ln R(T)lnRHeqBBwas found to be the most stable prediction of the equilibrium moisture isotherm values. The values of average R2 of 0.994, average SEE of 0.062 and average RMSE of 0.053.

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Research Articles