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สุชัญญา ทองเครือ


The purpose of this research is to study the efficiency of bacteria isolated from the wastewater from restaurants in degradation of fat, oil and grease in synthetic wastewater. Bacteria from the wastewater from the restaurants were categorized into 5 isolates: LWW1, LWW2, LWW3, LWW4 and LWW5 with the average of Lipase index at 1.27±0.07, 1.31±0.67, 2.22±0.00, 1.28±0.08 and 1.25±0.05, respectively, and the average of Lipase activity a 144.14 ± 4.50, 105.11 ± 10.40, 129.13 ± 5.20, 135.14 ± 4.50 and 157.66 ± 4.60 unit/mL, respectively. Then, isolate LWW5 was used to study the efficiency of the degradation of fat, oil and grease in the synthetic wastewater. The optimum conditions for fat, oil and grease degradation at the initial concentration of fat, oil and grease are at 1,500 mg/L and are incubated at 30 °C for 32 hours. The average efficiency level of bacteria degradation of fat, oil and grease is 85.19 ± 0.27%. The LWW5 bacteria is identified by 16S rDNA gene sequencing and biochemical test and revealed the that the LWW5 bacteria are Bacillus pumilus.

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