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Nuwat Phimpabutra


This research aims to study the effects of wood type on characteristics of combustion temperatures and properties of charcoal synthesized by pyrolysis process with small inverted downdraft kiln. The waste woods; i.e.: bamboo chopsticks, coconut shells, eucalyptus and acacia were used as raw materials. The combustion characteristic was investigated by measuring the temperature inside the kiln as a function of time. The percent yield was obtained from ratio between mass of synthesized charcoal to mass of raw wood. The charcoal properties such as apparent density, moisture content, volatile gas and ash content were measured by ASTM standard methods which used for reveal fixed carbon. The charcoal heat value was measured by Bomb calorimeter. The results showed that the characteristic of the combustion temperature depend on type of wood. The maximum temperatures during combustion process were 827 oC, 693oC, 624oC and 597oC for acacia, bamboo chopsticks, coconut shells and eucalyptus, respectively. The maximum percent yield of charcoals was 28.0% obtained from bamboo chopsticks and coconut shells, second value of 27.0% from eucalyptus and minimum value of 24.0% from acacia. The fixed carbon of coconut shells, eucalyptus, acacia and bamboo chopsticks was 45.9%, 41.6%, 36.5% and 30.4%, respectively. The heat values were found to be 32.49-33.23 kJ/g. According to the study, the percentage of fixed carbon depends on the type of the wood, which high density showed high carbon content. The results of heat value of all synthesized charcoal showed high heat values with small amount heat different indicated that the charcoal obtained by using pyrolysis process of inverted downdraft kiln possibly well remove non-carbon components from the wood.

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