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พีรภัทร์ ภาคภูมิกมลเลิศ
อนามัย นาอุดม
จรัสศรี รุ่งรัตนาอุบล


The objective of this research is to study the subset selection in multiple linear regression model by using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA) and compare the efficiency and rate of convergence of GA and SA in the case of with and without multicollinearity problem between input variables. The data used in this study were simulated under various situations.  The numbers of input variables are 5 10 and 20 respectively, for each input variable, the sample sizes are 50 100 200 and 500 respectively. The efficiency is compared by using correct specification percentage of subset selection while rate of convergence is validated through number of loops spent for each case. The results show that GA and SA perform similarly in the case of with and without multicollinearity problem. Further, GA provide higher percentage of correct specification than SA for small number of input variable while both methods provide 100% of correct specification when the numbers of input variables are increased. In addition, the results reveal that both GA and SA have similar rate of convergence when the number of input variables is small while SA can work much faster than GA when the number of input variables or the dimension of the problem becomes larger.  

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