ประสิทธิภาพของเอนโดไฟติกแบคทีเรียสายพันธุ์ Terriglobus saanensis MJUP06 ต่อการงอกของผักหวานป่า

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nuttaporn Chanchay


Phak Wan Pa (Melientha suavis Pierre.) is a plant found during certain seasons. It was found that endophytic bacterium strain Terriglobus saanensis MJUP06 indicated nitrogen fixation properties to Phak Wan Pa. This study aimed to study the efficiency of T.saanensis MJUP06 affects germination of Phak Wan Pa. The results showed that the soaking time of seedling of 10% T. saanensis MJUP06 inoculation solution for 1 hour had the highest germination rate of 86.75% while, the lowest mean number of days to germination was 34.28 days and the highest germination index was 2.73. The studies on plant growth after 49 days planting found that the soaking time with 10% T. saanensis MJUP06 inoculation solution for 1 hour showed the highest value of stem height, root length and no. of leaves of 11.23 cm, 10.65 cm and 7.73 blades, respectively with statistically significant difference compared with the other methods (p<0.05). From the results obtained, T. saanensis MJUP06 could be use as the inoculation solution to improve the germination efficiency of Phak Wan Pa and further apply for other crops to increasing the breeding survival rate.

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