An Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability Using Discovery Learning on Sequences Activities Case Study: Prathandongrungwittayakarn School

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Annop Kaewhao
Pattira Supamas


The main purposes of this research were to develop lesson plans using discovery method instruction on sequences according to efficiency criterion of 70/70. In addition, the effectiveness index of lesson plans by discovery method on sequences was studied. In this regard, the comparison of ability of critical thinking between before learning and after learning by the discovery activities was performed. The sample of this study is a group of 35 students of Matthayomsuksa 6 at Prathandongrungwittayakarn School, in the first semester of the 2 0 1 6 academic year. The results revealed that (1) the efficiency of the lesson plans by discovery method instruction on sequences for Matthayomsuksa 6 met the standard criterion of 74.86/71.05, (2) the effectiveness index of mathematics lesson plans by using discovery method on sequences is at 0.6108 (3) the overall critical thinking of Matthayomsuksa 6 students after learning discovery activities is significantly higher than before leaning at the 0.01 level.

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How to Cite
Kaewhao, A., & Supamas, P. (2018). An Improvement of Critical Thinking Ability Using Discovery Learning on Sequences Activities Case Study: Prathandongrungwittayakarn School. Mathematical Journal by The Mathematical Association of Thailand Under The Patronage of His Majesty The King, 62(691), 21–31. retrieved from
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