Diversity of Yeasts and Molds Isolated from Look-pang
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This research was studied to isolated yeasts and molds from Look-Pang in Northeastern Thailand. The results indicaterd that sixty-eight isolates of yeast, classified from cell shape including spherical 11 isolates, oval 22 isolates, cylindrical 18 isolates and apiculate 16 isolates and thirty-two isolates of mold were obtained as Alternaria 7 isolates, Aspergillus 16 isolates, Amylomyces 4 isolates, Penicillium 4 isolates and Rhizopus 1 isolate. There from sixty-eight isolates of yeast strong amylolytic activity (clear zone index 1.25-1.50) were STYC 05, STYN 02, STYN 07, STYS 03 and gave alcohol 1.19 – 7.24 % (v/v)on yeast extract-Peptone-Dextrose (YPD) with glucose 2 % (W/V) at room temperature (30±2 °c) for 48 hour. Three from thirty-two isolates of mold strong amylolytic activity (clear zone index 11.0-13.0) were STMD 04, STNR 01, STMR 05.
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