Effects of Used Engine Oil on Properties of Mortar Containing Pumice Blended Para Rubber Wood Ash
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Properties of pumice aggregate mortar blended with para rubber wood fly ash (PRWFA) replaced type 1 ordinary Portland cement (OPC) in different proportions of 0, 20 and 40 wt.% OPC and dosed with used engine oil (UEO) in proportions of 0, 0.2 and 0.3 wt.% water were investigated. Whole mix type specimens size was cast in 5´5´5 cm and curing in ambient temperature for 7 and 28 days. Testing series of physico-mechanical properties performed on bulk density, water absorption, electrical resistivity, Shore hardness, and compressive strength were determined. Moreover, microstructure via scanning electron microscope was analyzed. Effect of curing ages enhanced properties of samples such as electrical resistivity, Shore hardness, and compressive strength. Particularly, the 28-day specimen that contained 20wt.% PRWFA and 0.2wt.% UEO, provided bulk density of 1.61 g/cm3 and highest compressive strength of 22.09 MPa.
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