Top 2 Box score of the 7Ps satisfaction of Residential Business

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Supon Phrommaphan
Amnart Vangjeen


This research aims to 1) Study the level of the 7Ps marketing mix of housing estate and residential condominium customers. 2) Study the relationship between the “Arithmetic mean” and “The top two box score”. 7Ps Marketing Mix Level of Housing and Residential Condominium Customers. 3) To find the advantages and limitations of applying the arithmetic mean to the top two box score. The population is customers living in housing estates and residential condominiums in Bangkok and its vicinity and the region Using 1,000 samples by multistage random sampling. The instrument used was a 5-level estimating questionnaire, merging as a set, with a reliability value of 0.880. The statistics used were: Arithmetic mean, Top two Box Score, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Spearman correlation coefficient.

               The Research discovered 1) the level of satisfaction in the 7 marketing mix (7Ps) was at a high level. (Sorted by average values from highest to lowest): Price, Products and Services, Place, Physical environment and/or employees in an organization, Process, and Promotion. 2) Arithmetic mean and top-two-box score 7Ps Marketing Mix Level of Housing and Residential Condominium Customers reveals that there was a statistical correlation at the significant level of 0.05 in the same direction with the Pearson correlation coefficient value and the Spearman rank correlation coefficient equal to 0.984 and 0.929 respectively. 3) The arithmetic mean has the advantage of using all observations and being able to find the distribution of the data. The limitation is that the data should be normally distributed. The top two box score does not depend on the distribution of the data. The limitation is that the spread of the data cannot be determined.

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How to Cite
S. Phrommaphan and A. Vangjeen, “Top 2 Box score of the 7Ps satisfaction of Residential Business”, NKRAFA J SCI TECH, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 1–10, Jul. 2024.
Research Articles


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