Determining Factor Influencing Consumer Behavior During The Covid19 Pandemic : Omicron Variant
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This research aimed to determining factors affecting consumer behavior refer to Thai people during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially Omicron variant. Structural Equation Modeling was utilized to find casual relationships under the behavioral decision of Thai people. Total of 400 Thais around Bangkok and metropolitan provinces were participated and filled 45 online questionnaires under strictly prevention and control of COVID-19. The research findings indicate that food choices had a direct and significant impact on consumer eating behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. Convenience had the strongest direct effect on food choices, followed by appetite, risk perception, vulnerability perception, and health conditions. However, the research also showed that budget constraints did not have a significant direct impact on food choices during the pandemic. This study is a very first study that integrated the Protection Motivation Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior together. In addition, this research could be substantial findings that can be used as a preliminary model for other decision-making of Thai people during COVID-19 pandemic for beneficial and pandemic mitigation as well.
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