Image processing algorithm for area determination of irregularity quality in leafy green salad
Image processing, leafy green salad, green oak, color changeAbstract
The objective of the research was to develop an image processing algorithm for analyzing the color change of leafy green salad using Green Oak as a sample. The research was divided into two parts. The initial step was to construct an image acquisition system. To provide uniform light intensity across the samples, two D65 lamps were mounted 30 cm above the samples at a 45° angle to the sample plane. The second step was to develop an image processing algorithm to analyze the color change of Green Oak salad. For analysis, the algorithm employs the H (hue angle) value. In the image of Green Oak salad, H can be indicated browning. The browning zone is indicated by a H value of 35° to 79°, and the regular color of Green Oak salad is indicated by a H value of 80° to 135°. An experiment with Green Oak salad vegetables stored at 5°, 10°, and 15° revealed that the amount of brown area in the salad vegetables was greater than 9% of the total area. Green Oak salad vegetables are irregular quality, exceeding acceptable limits.
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