Nutritional and sensory analysis of prepared plum (Prunus domestica) fruit leather

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Girija Sherma
Kamana Shrestha
Samiksha Gautam
Kishor Rai


The aim of this study was to analyze the nutritional and chemical values of the plum pulp and prepared leather, as well as the sensory evaluation of prepared plum leather. Six samples A, B, C, D, E and F were prepared with 50:50, 60:40, 70:30, 80:20, 90:10 and 100:0 fruit pulp:sugar ratio respectively. The findings revealed that as the proportion of pulp in the leather increases, proximate constituents, titratable acidity, and vitamin C content also increases, while pH decreases significantly. Conversely, increasing the amount of sugar in the leather leads to a significant increase in carbohydrate content, energy, and total soluble solids. For sensory analysis, a 9-point hedonic rating test was conducted. The sensory evaluation revealed that all sensory attribute scores were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) in leather prepared using 60 parts and 70 parts plum pulp. Nevertheless, nutritional characteristics in sample C (70 parts pulp) were significantly higher than those in sample B (60 parts pulp). Therefore, sample C was selected as the best among all the samples and had moisture (18.01±0.01), crude protein (0.87±0.02%), crude fat (0.46±0.03%), total ash (1.32±0.06%), crude fiber (1.01±0.01%), titratable acidity (1.46±0.01%), vitamin C (4.90±0.01 mg/100 g), pH (4.67±0.02), total soluble solids (58.02±0.03 °Bx), energy value (393.05±0.03 Kcal/100 g), and carbohydrate (96.35±0.03%). The thickness of the final product was 0.64 cm.

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