Production of instant mixed-vegetables soup using foam mat drying: impact of various additives on foam properties and physicochemical aspects


  • Kanokwan Chumlert Division of Food Safety Management and Technology , Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok, 10120, Thailand
  • Natthaphon Daengsakon Division of Food Safety Management and Technology , Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok, 10120, Thailand
  • Pai Rassmeedara Division of Food Safety Management and Technology , Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok, 10120, Thailand
  • Putkrong Phanumong Division of Food Safety Management and Technology , Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Krungthep, Bangkok, 10120, Thailand


Food powder, egg white albumin, carboxymethyl cellulose, glyceryl monostearate, maltodextrin


Nowadays, many consumers are paying attention to ready-prepared food containing nutritional and functionalities. The objective of this study was to develop an instant mixed-vegetable soup prepared by foam mat drying technique using various additives, e.g., egg white albumin (EA; 10-30%), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC; 1-3%), and glyceryl monostearate (GMS; 10-30%) was used in combination with maltodextrin (MD; 10-30%) as a drying aid. The results showed that the cooked soup containing 76.99% carbohydrate, 16.98% protein, and 6.03% fat, in which dietary fiber equivalent to 1/3 of total carbohydrate (5.55 g dietary fiber and 17.93 g of carbohydrate). The application of 30% EA in combination with 10% MD showed the highest percentage of foam overrun (34.79 ± 0.30) and the product yield (12.54 ± 0.23), which experienced sensory qualities similar to a freshly cooked soup. The limitation of CMC led to a foam collapsing during drying, while GMS required long periods of drying time resulting in no production yield. The instant powder had a low percentage moisture content (<1%) and water activity (0.38) and could dissolve easily in hot water. The plant-based bioactive compounds such as chlorophyll a, b, and the total phenolic content were retained after processing. The strength of the product was lightweight and could be prepared by a simple technique with mild heat treatment. Moreover, it was convenient for individuals looking for time-saving, and reasonable for the elderly market section, specified for chewing difficulties.


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How to Cite

Chumlert, K., Daengsakon, N., Rassmeedara, P., & Phanumong, P. (2024). Production of instant mixed-vegetables soup using foam mat drying: impact of various additives on foam properties and physicochemical aspects. Food Agricultural Sciences and Technology, 10(1), 90–110. retrieved from