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กันญา โกสุมภ์
เกียรติสุดา สุวรรณปา
วิรัตน์ หวังเขื่อนกลาง


The objective of this research are to study the qualitative losses of green billets Khon Kaen 3 varieties with a harvesting period of 12 months, harvested with sugarcane harvester Austoft 8000 series. By using a sample of billets randomly selected from trucks that support billets from sugarcane harvester in plots of Khon Kaen and Chaiyaphum province, 6 plots per province. To study the quantity of microbial contamination and the sweetness of the billets at 1, 2, 3 and 4 hours after harvesting to compare between non-selected billets and selected billets. The results showed that the amount of microbial contamination of non-selected billets is higher than in every selected billets in both Khon Kaen and Chaiyaphum areas, with an average value of 0.43 percent and 8.74 percent respectively, and the sweetness in non-selected billets was higher on average than in selected billets. Due to more fracture, tear, and suture separation, resulting in more evaporation rate of the water in that billets. By the statistical analysis results showed that microbial contamination and the sweetness in the billets at different times of non-selected billets and selected billets samples have statistically significant differences at the level of 0.05.

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