Performance Evaluation of Electrical-Solar Combined Energy Dryer for Nam Dok Mai Mango Drying
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The objective of this research was to evaluate performance of a solar-electrical combined energy dryer by drying Nam Dok Mai mango. The dryer consists of 3 sets of 2x1 m2 solar collector, 2 sets of 1500 watts of the finned heater, and a drying chamber size of 0.6x0.6x0.6 m3. Nam Dok Mai mango weight of 4 kg with initial moisture content of 84.44% (wet basis) was dried with drying air temperature of 60, 70, and 80°C and drying air flow rate of 0.034 kg/s until the final moisture content was less than 18% (wet basis). The performance of drying was evaluated by efficiency of solar collector, Specific electrical energy consumption (SEEC) and drying rate. The quality was evaluated by moisture content, color difference, and texture profile consists of hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, and chewiness. The result shown that, drying with temperature of 60°C has the best qualities of dried product with the lowest color difference, optimum texture, with moisture and water activity are up to the industry standard of dried fruit. The solar collector set has highest efficiency of 46.36%, the lowest of the specific electrical energy consumption of 12.57 MJ/kg, which can be save electrical energy of 27.15%
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