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Jeerasak Pitpeng


This research paper uses the research and development model. aimed at: 1) Develop 2) Efficiency test and assess the quality of the water hyacinth shredder. The tools used in the research were performance testing tables. and quality assessment form in conducting research. The research team applied the technological process concept to develop the water hyacinth shredder. Then take it to test its performance. and quality assessment from experts.

         The results of the performance tests and quality assessments were analyzed using basic statistics such as mean and standard deviation.


         1) The results of the development revealed that the agricultural machinery was used for shredding to reduce the size of the water hyacinth to a smaller size. with wheels for moving Use a 7.5 horsepower gasoline engine to drive a set of 6 blades. Cut into angles according to the predetermined degrees, such as 30 degrees, 45 degrees and 60 degrees, can work continuously for a period of 8 hours.

         2) Performance test results of the water hyacinth shredder where the blade is cut at an angle of 45 degrees were found to be able to work effectively. The average cutting time was 32.26 minutes, the average weight of the water hyacinth was 94.7 kg, the average fuel consumption was 2.41liters and the maximum machine efficiency was 1515.60 kg per day.

The water hyacinths that have been cut into small hyacinths can be used to make fertilizer. Both green manure and compost are mixed into animal feed and can be used for agricultural benefits in many forms.

         3) Quality test results of water hyacinth shredders from experts as a whole the quality was at the highest level, with a mean of 4.65 and a standard deviation of 0.48.

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Research articles


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