The Effect of Mekong Level on the Backwater in Loei River

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Sakchai Phuangjan


This study was aimed to investigate the effect of Mekong level on the backwater in Loei river, using hydrodynamic model created by HEC-RAS program. The model can handle one-dimensional, subcritical flow for both steady and unsteady modes. The upstream boundary condition locates at Kh. 58A station (81+100 km.) on Fag Loei bridge in Muang Loei. The downstream boundary condition locates at the river mouth where Loei river flow into Mekong at Baan Kok Maad in Chiang Kan (05+000 km.) The 80.6 km reach length includes 807 cross sections. The gage and flow hydrographs of various stations during 2013-2016 were used for hydraulic data. Five periods of flows when high tides in Mekong and flood waves in Loei river occurred at the same time were selected, and the hourly gage hydrographs at Baan Klang were observed for model validation. The model was calibrated by applying the Manning’s n of the channel by trial and error method and run the model with two hydraulic data sets from 2013 and 2014 to get the results as gage hydrographs at Baan Klang Bridge. The results from the model and the observed ones were compared to find RMSE (root mean squared error) for each n value. The optimal n was the one that yielded the least RMSE. The average n from two sets of data was 0.040. Then the model was verified by analyzing other three sets of hydraulic data from 2014, 2015 and 2016 that yielded the average RMSE of 0.145 and the average coefficient of correlation (r) of 0.879.
The model was used to study the backwater of Loei river due to Mekong level by analyzing 12 flow profiles with different Mekong levels and flow rate in Loei river. The Mekong level of 209 m. (msl) and lower affects the backwater in Loei river as far as 16 km. (Baan Klang) upstream. The highest level of 212 m. in Mekong affects the backwater in Loei river as far as 21 km. (Baan Kang Mi) upstream. The Mekong level of 212 m. with the flow of 600 cms. in Loei river can cause inundation at Baan Klang (214 m. level). It was also found that Loei river in Baan Had Sai Kao area (27+950 km.) would not affected by Mekong level.

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