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As the need for seamless connectivity becomes paramount, ICT emerges as the catalyst for bridging distances and connecting individuals in the urban community instantaneously. This study aimed to explore how community communication resilience can be enhanced via the utilization of ICT. Through the lens of the Technology Acceptance Model, two Bangkok urban communities were explored; an underprivileged community and a housing estate community. Questionnaire responses were collected from 229 households of an underprivileged community, and 178 households of a housing estate community. The sample size was 160 and 137 respectively. A multiple linear regression model was constructed to explore the impact of the relationships of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived quality of life, and attitude toward technology. The findings revealed that all four variables had a positive effect on community communication resilience. The predictive power of an underprivileged community and a housing estate community are 61.2% (R2 = .612, p < 0.01) and 87.1% (R2 = .871, p < 0.01) respectively. By addressing barriers to adoption and leveraging the potential of technology, ICT contributes to the resilience of robust communication.
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