The General Medical Diagnosis Expert System by Decision Tree Technique on The Smartphone Application

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ฐานิดา สุริยะวงศ์


            This research is “The General medical diagnosis expert system with decision tree technique via the mobile application”. The objective is to develop a medical expert system on mobile applications. This research aims to develop a medical expert system on smartphone applications. The developer has brought the developed application to trial with the user and performance evaluation system with the satisfaction of the users. The users are divided into two groups, five of the expert’s user, the general users are 30. The research used a 5-level scale questionnaire with 4 main topics. The Topics used in the questionnaire include the functionality, performance, and ease-of-use, and security of data. The total number of respondents was 35.      

            The result found the system that has developed a performance evaluation system by the experts were at a good level and the system efficiency overall is best.

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How to Cite
สุริยะวงศ์ ฐ. (2018). The General Medical Diagnosis Expert System by Decision Tree Technique on The Smartphone Application. Journal of Technology Management Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 4(2), 84–93. Retrieved from


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