Automatical cutter machine for agriculture

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กนกกัญญากรณ์ พรวราขจรกุล


The purpose of this research was to determine the efficiency of multi-purpose chopper. From the test by feeding all 3 types of plants, including napier grass fresh leaves and dry leave at the same amount of 10 kg. Test to automatical cutter machine compare with one human manually cutting after chopping, they were weighed again. All 3 plants had reduced weight. The average weight of napier grass was 2.46 kg, dry leaves average 5.53 kg, and fresh leaves average weight 3.30 kg. When comparing the production time, it was found that chopping with a multi-purpose chopper took less time than chopping by hand. 1 Chopper By chopping Napier grass with a multicooker, 1-man chopping time is reduced by 66.22%. Chopping fresh leaves with a multi-chopper reduces time from 1-man chopping by up to 66.67%. Chopping dry leaves with the multi-purpose chopper reduces the time required for chopping by 1 person by up to 65.66%, i.e. it can reduce the working time by two-thirds of the normal working time.

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