A Development for Teaching of Learning - Centered Project Design for Software Development Process Course Using Agile Model

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มณีรัตน์ ผลประเสริฐ


The purposes of the research were to evaluate the effectiveness index of the lesson plans based on the project-based learning Software Development Process course using Agile Model, to compare the learning achievement and critical thinking on the result of before and after learning by using the lesson of all students and classification by gender, to compare the learning achievement and critical thinking on the result of after learning by using the lesson plans with the different gender and to study the satisfaction of all students with the depth of the      instructor by using lesson plans. The sampling group was 36 undergraduate students majoring in Information Technology, 2nd semester in the 2016. The instruments of the research included     1) lesson plans based on the project-based learning 2) an achievement test 3) an critical thinking test 4) satisfaction questionnaires. The statistics that used in data analysis were t-test (Dependent Samples) and One- way MANCOVA.

The research findings showed that the analyze results of the effectiveness of the lesson plans based on the project-based learning approach was equal to 0.692. The learning achievement  and critical thinking of all students and classified by gender had higher achievement than before learning at the .05 level  of significance. The learning achievement and critical thinking with the different gender showed no differences (p ≥ 0.110) after learning by using the lesson plans based on the project-based learning. In addition, the student sample group was greatly satisfied with the depth of the instructor by using the lesson plans based on the project-based learning in the overall aspect and in the each individual aspect was the highest level.

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How to Cite
ผลประเสริฐ ม. (2018). A Development for Teaching of Learning - Centered Project Design for Software Development Process Course Using Agile Model. Journal of Technology Management Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University, 5(1), 7–20. Retrieved from https://ph02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/itm-journal/article/view/140204


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