การพัฒนาทักษะการสื่อสารและการนำเสนอ โดยใช้เทคนิคการเรียนรู้กลุ่มร่วมมือแบบ GI ภายใต้สภาพแวดล้อมของการเรียนรู้ผสมผสานระหว่างออนไลน์และออฟไลน์ ชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 2 Development of Communication and Presentation Skills by Cooperative Learning by Group Investigation Technique under Environment of Mixed Method of Online and Offline Learning of the Mathayom Suksa 2 students

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มะณีรัตน์ รักเพื่อน
อธิราช ชึดนอก
บัญญัติ แก่นสา
อัครณัฐ บุญมะยา



This research aimed at (1) to develop the learning activity by using cooperative learning by group investigation technique under environment of mixed method of online and offline learning of the eighth grade students to get the efficiency (E1/E2) on the criteria of 80/80; (2) to compare the learning achievement before and after learning. (3) to study the satisfaction of students.The sample used for this experiment was 35 grade 8 students of the first group of Buriram Phitthayakhom School, Mueang district, Buriram province, Secondary Educational Service Area Office 32, in the first semester of academic year 2020. The finding of research indicated that (1) development of learning activity by cooperative learning by group investigation under the environment of mixed method of online and offline learning of the grade 8 student gained the efficiency  (E1/E2) of 81.07/85.78, which was higher than the criteria at significant level  of .05;  (2) the learning achievement of students after development of communication and presentation skill by cooperative learning by group investigation under the mixed method of online and offline learning at significant level of .05 (4) the overall satisfaction of students was at a high level.

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